1th Oct 2013 – 9th Febr 2014
Invited by Mudac curator Claire Favre Maxwell and Louise Schouwenberg, Head of the master programme Contextual Design at Design Academy Eindhoven, Aurelie Hoegy will show her project & installation, Border between Normality and Abnormality, Macguffin lamp, questioning of established norms and objects.
How is design taught today? Do design schools have a particular style? What idea of design are they trying to convey? What becomes of the students who graduate from design schools? Do these graduates have any influence on the market, the industry or our behaviour? Has the way design is taught evolved over the decades? What do the projects by recent graduates tell us about current design?
The Mastering Design exhibition presents 24 works – 12 per school – by graduates and alumni from two interna- tionally reputed European design schools: The Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE) and the London Royal College of Art (RCA). This event is much more than just a promotional opportunity. It offers the possibility of examining the themes chosen by the designers of tomorrow and of capturing the very essence of design as it is taught in these two establishments.
1th Oct 2013 – 9th Febr 2014
Invited by Mudac curator Claire Favre Maxwell and Louise Schouwenberg, Head of the master programme Contextual Design at Design Academy Eindhoven, Aurelie Hoegy will show her project & installation, Border between Normality and Abnormality, Macguffin lamp, questioning of established norms and objects.
How is design taught today? Do design schools have a particular style? What idea of design are they trying to convey? What becomes of the students who graduate from design schools? Do these graduates have any influence on the market, the industry or our behaviour? Has the way design is taught evolved over the decades? What do the projects by recent graduates tell us about current design?
The Mastering Design exhibition presents 24 works – 12 per school – by graduates and alumni from two interna- tionally reputed European design schools: The Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE) and the London Royal College of Art (RCA). This event is much more than just a promotional opportunity. It offers the possibility of examining the themes chosen by the designers of tomorrow and of capturing the very essence of design as it is taught in these two establishments.